If I could rewind and then (not creepily) shadow you in all the amazing literature courses you took or taught, I’d be there! I attended a college that it’s origins were based on being a college for Teachers. My heart already knew the power of oral presentation as I was really moved by Emma Thompson’s opening in the movie much Ado about nothing. There is a rhyme and a meter that draws people into your words, into your storytelling. Pulling people in to imagine a story is a gift and an art but also a skill that one can polish. I actually inquired about a course for one of my credits towards my degree at the time of oral communications. At this college, which also excelled in drama, they did not have any such module. So I chose to take Acting 1.

I truly believe that even reading out loud is like singing a song, giving pause to places that need pondering. Stretching a word to cue the imagination and changing dynamics of tone to enliven a character. Thank you for empowering young minds and the mature to anchor the future.

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Ahh, Emma Thompson in Much Ado, one of my favorite roles for her!

Love that you got to take Acting I. Reading aloud is truly presenting. It most definitely plays a part in how we appreciate the words that come from us.

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